About the club

Newport Pagnell Board Games Club has been running since 2006. The club meets at Ousebank House in Newport Pagnell: every Thursday evening from 6.30-11PM, and one Saturday each month from 9AM onwards. Most sessions have 20-25 people playing a wide variety of board games, ranging from the short and simple (e.g. Azul or Perudo*), to games that take a good deal of thought and the whole evening (e.g. Brass, Ark Nova or Gaia Project*). Typically the games are for 3-6 players, and many members prearrange games by signing up here, though you can often just wait and see what's on. It is all very flexible.

There is an optional £5 annual membership fee. Members contribute £2.50 each evening they attend, and non-members £3; full-day attendance on a Saturday costs £5. Your first visit is free, so you can see whether you like it. A bar is open throughout, and cooked food is available on Saturdays.

Each year, we run a tournament of 4 games, played over the course of the year. The games are arranged to suit peoples’ diaries and about half of the club members take part. Our members come from all around Newport Pagnell, including Milton Keynes, Bedford, Woburn Sands, Olney, Towcester, Kettering and Northampton. It is a really good way of meeting people who enjoy board games.

*If the names of these games mean nothing to you, you may be astonished at the wide range of brilliant and beautifully-designed board games that have been produced in the last 25 years. We would be delighted to introduce you to them.