Tournament 2024

Welcome to the page for the 2024 games tournament. There are 16 players entered this year, so each round will be played by 4 groups of 4.

For previous years, see the Roll Of Honour.

See the tournament draw, league table, rules and scoring system.

The next games will be round 3 - Mosaic. See this page for your group for the tournament.

2024 Tournament calendar:

Games were chosen by vote from the nominations in 4 categories. See the full results of the vote here.

Please reply to this post to let us know if you own a copy of any of the tournament games:

  • 4th Jan: tournament draw

  • 11th Jan – 21st Mar: round 1 - Barrage.

  • 28th Mar – 30th May: round 2 - Age Of Steam.

  • 6th Jun – 8th Aug: round 3 - Mosaic.

  • 15th Aug – 24th Oct: round 4 - Carnegie.

  • 31st Oct – 5th Dec: possible dates for the final.


This year there will be prizes for placings in the final, for winning the league, and 2 "wildcard" prizes that you don't necessarily need to be near the top of the league to win. All prizes will be vouchers for Wargames Workshop in Kingston.

  • The players in the final will receive £40, £25, £10 and £5 for placing 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th respectively.

  • The player who finishes top of the league table will receive £30.

  • [Wildcard] The player who scores most points in a league game in which they finish 4th will receive £20.

  • [Wildcard] The player who scores the most points in total across league games that they did not win will receive £20.

Sign ups For 2024

  1. Andrew H

  2. Ed

  3. David H

  4. Ian

  5. Robin

  6. Paul D

  7. Dan M

  8. David A

  9. Paul T

  10. Karen

  11. David K

  12. Steve

  13. James

  14. David E

  15. Claire

  16. Tim

Changes to the format from 2023

The number of rounds from 5 to 4, to prevent the tournament from occupying too much of the calendar. We are also removing the "F1 qualifying" rule, whereby the bottom 4 were removed prior to the final round. We are also introducing a "dropped score" system - see rules.